Sunday 8 March 2009

What women have less than men?

We are in the XXI century but the developing isn’t everywhere and, because of that, the countries of the world are divided: where are more difficulties and poverty, they are called Developing Countries and the countries financially stable where people have a good life, like a house, employment and resources as water and sewage they are called Developed Countries.
If I was shocked when in the News I saw something like “Children in India are sold by the parents to go work 16 hours in a factory” and this happened in a developing country, I’m shocked too when I saw in the News the wage differences between men and women in Developed Countries.
For me and, of course, to more people, this is just discrimination. It’s antiquated because if in the human rights says that men and women have the same rights, and if a man and a woman who works in the same place, doing the same with the same working hours, why should that man earn more than the woman? It’s discrimination sexiest without any explanation. The wage difference in UE in the year 2007, on average, between men and women is 17,4%.
Many people said that women have fewer possibilities to advance because they are woman. Now, can somebody explain me why these differences happen? I really want to know.


Xenophobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers. Some people seem to hate some similarities between us. I really don’t understand it because it is our differences that makes us an unique individual, I mean what we do, how we think, what we say, how we behave to each other is what defines our individuality.
There are many institutions fighting against xenophobia that comes multiple times associated with racism and discrimination. These associations like UNESCO are trying to preserve the diversity in multi-ethnic and multicultural societies, to fight against racist propaganda in media (especially in cyberspace), to develop new educational approaches (elaboration of teaching materials), to develop scientific research and reflection on the phenomena of racism, discrimination and xenophobia.
Xenophobia appeared in association with certain scientific developments and the process of globalization. To fight against these new threats of violent inter-ethnic conflicts in many parts of the world we must accept the differences around us.

Racism ruisn lives!

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another. Do you agree with that? Do you think that people should be classified according to their skin, colour or facial shape? I really don’t think that we have the right to judge people based on our own thoughts. You can’t treat someone differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture. I mean nobody has the right to make your feel bad about who you are.
Racism has recently been recognized as a threat to our society because nowadays there are many children that are growing up with a racist family or friends so they may believe that racism is normal and acceptable. The reality is that we live in a prejudice world based on ignorance and fear of anything unfamiliar.
All I want to do is to leave an important message: when you confront racism you are playing an important role in society because you have the right, as well as the responsibility, to speak up against racism. Please don’t forget: RACISM RUINS LIVES!

We are all a bit racist

Racism consists in people believing that some of them are better than others because of their specific race. Racist people define race as a group of people with the same ascendancy. They distingue races by physical characteristics like the skin color or how the hair looks like. Racism is different from country to country, depending of its story, culture or other social aspects. One way of racism can be people telling that all the races and cultures have equal rights, but, at the same time, they shouldn’t be mixed, to protect their roots. There’s no scientific proof of existing different races. Biology only found one race: the human race.
Europe is a multicultural society that is enriched with this diversity. However, the constant presence of racism in our society can’t be ignored. Racism touches every one of us. It degrades our communities and origins insecurity and fear.
Racism is, because of that, a biased and discriminated attitude against individuals of a certain race or ethnic.
Now, there exist some campaigns with the objective of getting a more fair society, equal and intercultural where everyone (foreign or not, black or not) can enjoy the same citizenship’s rights.
The skin color is only the more evident difference, because our racism is actually against the people who isn’t like us – black, white, taller, smaller, who spits in the streets or who uses a cap on reverse.
The truth is, racism has no frontiers and it even exists between the same races. There’s intolerance between the other person that isn’t like me: because of the body, of the language, of the religion, of the customs, or because of the beliefs.
So, because of that, in some way or the other, we all are a bit racist.

New York

New York… who doesn’t know where is this city? Who never heard this word, even if it has been just one time?
It’s the biggest city in USA and probably one of the biggest cities in the world.
USA is a country that is fairly recent and is consisted for many immigrants and that makes New York so diverse in races and in ethnic groups, one of the most multicultural cities in the world. You, just walking in a street, probably find many people of different skin colour, life styles and different roots and traditions.
In a census done in 2000 the quantity of population of New York was 8 008 278. The population were 44% Caucasian, 36% were Afro-Americans and 10% were Asians but there were other races, such as Hispanics, Jews, Port-Ricans, Dominicans, Chinese’s, Italians and etc… As you can see, New York is very multicultural.
Since the arriving of immigrants of different parts of the world many conflicts appeared because each one has different traditions and beliefs. The conflicts between races and ethnic groups keep on, but the numbers of registered cases have decreased.
Personally, I want to go to New York one week, two weeks, spending a nice holidays, because it’s a city full of art and culture and have many things to see.
New York is the world in a city!

Live to eat or eat to live?

We can consider fast food as quickly made meals that can be consumed in just a few minute. In the modern societies this kind of food has a huge success and several food chains were created to sell exactly the same products in their restaurants at very low prices.
The American people are the biggest consumers of fast food in the world and they have an obesity tax of 60% in grown ups and of 14% in young people. The number of fat young people doubled in the last 20 years
A hamburger once in a while is not a serious problem but when you eat one hamburger every day you might have serious problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. Luckily, it's never too late to make changes that can effectively control weight and the health problems that it causes. And if you aren’t able to change for yourself please don’t be afraid to ask for help!


Consumerism is, nowadays, a much debated subject: on TV, on newspapers, on magazines… Is something that we, human beings, do even unconsciously.
When we go to the mall, or to the streets, on the supermarket, we have this need: this need of buying things! In this consumerist process, it includes, too, a “service buy”, which is consumerism inside our houses. People don’t buy only things that really are important to their survival, people spend money in things that they don’t need… at all.
In some cases, people are consumerists impulsively and that is a disease (an addiction) because they buy everything that they see.
One of the negative sides of consumerism is the increase of the industrialization because it’s, at the same time, polluting our air and we are already feeling some of the consequences that we should feel in 50 years from now.