Sunday, 8 March 2009

Consumer Society

Everyone buys useless things. But there are some people that are really out of their minds because they buy everything that appears in from of them. Why’s that? In my opinion advertisers are always trying to persuade us that our lives will benefit from buying their products. However, if we spend money, we are probably going to need more money what means we will probably have to work longer and harder to get it or to pay off debts. Does that sounds like a benefit? I really don’t think so, what I surely think is that we live in a throwaway society where we must look at what we buy.
In my opinion consumption beyond minimal and basic needs is not necessarily a bad thing because among the history of men we have always sought to find ways to make our lives a little bit easier to live. However, increasingly, consumerism can be really dangerous. It’s like a disease where we are completely addicted.
Like I do have friends that love spending all day in the mall wasting all the money they have on useless things. I get it. But I’m not like that. I mean consumerism sets each person against themselves because consumers create a world where there are always things yet to be purchased. Weigh training, liposuction, breast implants, cosmetic surgery, collagen injections are some examples of people turning themselves into human consumer goods.
As consumers, we need to question the products before we buy them. Please, don’t be an obsessive consumer.

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