Sunday, 8 March 2009

We are all a bit racist

Racism consists in people believing that some of them are better than others because of their specific race. Racist people define race as a group of people with the same ascendancy. They distingue races by physical characteristics like the skin color or how the hair looks like. Racism is different from country to country, depending of its story, culture or other social aspects. One way of racism can be people telling that all the races and cultures have equal rights, but, at the same time, they shouldn’t be mixed, to protect their roots. There’s no scientific proof of existing different races. Biology only found one race: the human race.
Europe is a multicultural society that is enriched with this diversity. However, the constant presence of racism in our society can’t be ignored. Racism touches every one of us. It degrades our communities and origins insecurity and fear.
Racism is, because of that, a biased and discriminated attitude against individuals of a certain race or ethnic.
Now, there exist some campaigns with the objective of getting a more fair society, equal and intercultural where everyone (foreign or not, black or not) can enjoy the same citizenship’s rights.
The skin color is only the more evident difference, because our racism is actually against the people who isn’t like us – black, white, taller, smaller, who spits in the streets or who uses a cap on reverse.
The truth is, racism has no frontiers and it even exists between the same races. There’s intolerance between the other person that isn’t like me: because of the body, of the language, of the religion, of the customs, or because of the beliefs.
So, because of that, in some way or the other, we all are a bit racist.

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